If you’ve ever stayed at a resort or 5-star hotel, you’re familiar with what a hotel concierge does. Essentially, they’re there to perform tasks or services for you when needed, such as making dinner reservations or getting your tickets to a show or sporting event. A concierge for a senior is similar in many respects. They are there to make life more comfortable for an aging seniors who may be unable to perform tasks they once were. The ultimate goal of concierge senior care is to help seniors continue to live comfortably at home.
What Does a Senior Concierge Do?
Senior concierges help older adults by performing services in the home and elsewhere. A concierge can help with:
Light housework
This can include sweeping, dusting, wiping down counters, doing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry or ironing, preparing meals, changing linens, and assisting with pet care.
To alleviate loneliness and isolation, a concierge can provide companionship and friendship through visiting and chatting, reading or telling stories, doing puzzles, playing games or cards, and participating in a hobby or interest.
Driving and leaving the house can get increasingly difficult as a senior ages. A concierge can help seniors not miss out on necessary or fun activities like doctor’s appointments, special events, lunch with friends, religious services, hair or salon appointments, or shopping.
Grocery shopping
Getting to the grocery store, loading their basket, getting home, and unloading groceries can be difficult, exhausting, and dangerous for seniors. A concierge can help a senior to maintain a healthy diet by shopping, delivering, unloading, and putting away groceries at home.
Running errands
A caregiver/concierge can help run errands for a senior, including prescription drop-off/pick-up mailing packages, taking care of dry-cleaning, shopping for gifts, taking vehicles for service or car washes, and delivering payments for bills or services.
The Advantages of Concierge Senior Care
With a trusted concierge/caregiver behind them, a senior is less likely to have an accident or injure themselves, feel lonely or isolated, forget about taking medication, miss important events, and more. Personalized care provides accommodation for all of a senior’s needs and eliminates unnecessary risks.
Using concierge service also helps seniors remain at home longer and enjoy the happiness and relaxation they deserve where they’re most comfortable. According to HUD, 25% of seniors who temporarily enter a nursing home will experience complications leaving.
Being able to stay at home also lessens a senior’s chance of experiencing issues like depression, anxiety, and other medical problems. This keeps some of the burdens from falling on friends or family members.
First In Care: Your Private Home Health Agency & Concierge Senior Care Service
The team at First In Care is happy to help the senior loved one in your life get the attention and support they need with concierge and home health services in Bradenton, Palmetto, Parrish, Ellenton, Oneco, Lakewood Ranch, Longboat Key, Holmes Beach, and Anna Maria.
Contact us today for more information on our services and competitive rates. Let us help your loved one remain where they feel safe and comfortable – at home.